Canine Fitness Month April is Canine Fitness Month, and with the beginning of Spring, it is the perfect time to take a look at your dog’s fitness and wellness routine. A strong fitness routine centered around your dog’s specific needs not only leads to a healthier and longer life for your pet, but is
Tag: doghealth
You've probably heard the news already: The FDA has begun investigating a number of grain-free dog foods to help figure out why some appear to be associated with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) – a serious disease that affects the hearts of dogs. You can bark easy, our food has not been tied in any way to DCM,
This article was written by Alex Schenker. You can read more of his work at, and Tell Us About Your Pup We have two rescue pups. Bella, a 60-pound lab mix who we rescued when she was two years old, and Lily, a 39-pound mixed breed that we adopted at age 4. They
[caption align="aligncenter" width="777"] A sleepy looking dog[/caption] Pets are often among the most beloved members of our families. It's devastating that our fav furry friends, that we sometimes like more than our human relatives (sorry Aunt Carol), have the shortest life span. It's not all bad though–here's a few tips to help increase your
As hoomans, we're used to brushing our teeth twice a day to keep our hygiene it's very best. But we sometimes forget our dogs need their teeth cleaned too. The food they eat can lead to some really stinky breath. So it's super important ensure you're cleaning their teeth too! [caption id="attachment_57" align="alignnone" width="1024"]
[caption id="attachment_83" align="alignnone" width="246"] Dogs eating grass[/caption] DEAR GRASS FED: The technical term for eating things that aren't food is Pica. While serious cases of Pica can result from nutritional deficiencies, it's usually a sign of boredom (especially in puppies). #pupsthesedays Rest assured, eating grass generally shouldn't raise any red flags - many vets consider