Is FreshBaked Really Better than Kibble?

Spoiler Alert… FreshBaked IS better than Kibble.

FreshBakedBeefSide cropped

It’s no secret around here that FreshBaked is healthier than kibble, but what does that really mean? We’re breaking down the five most important differences that a fresh diet can make in your dog’s health when compared to regular kibble. 


Nutrients and Nutrient Quality 

Kibble is often highly processed, which can lead to the loss of key nutrients. The high heat needed to make kibble degrades some vitamins and minerals. Fresh foods, especially FreshBaked, retain more of their natural nutrients since they are not cooked and dehydrated under the same conditions as kibble. With fresh food, dogs have access and absorb more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are crucial for their overall health.



Fresh foods are generally more easily digestible. Think of it in similar terms to how we humans digest food, cooked fresh fruits and vegetables are easier for us to digest than in their other forms. Some kibble formulas include fillers, such as corn, wheat, and soy, which can be less nutritionally beneficial and sometimes difficult for dogs to digest. Additionally, animal by-products may be used, which are less ideal compared to whole, high-quality meat sources. The less processing the ingredients go through, the easier it is on your dog’s digestive system, leading to better absorption of nutrients and fewer gastrointestinal issues.


Skin Health and Hydration

Again, much like their human counterparts, dogs derive much of their hydration from their food, and the amount of hydration they consume throughout the day directly affects their skin and coat health. Kibble has very low moisture content compared to fresh food because of the high heat and dehydration process needed to preserve its shield life. Dogs don’t drink enough water as it is, and the baked in hydration found in fresh food helps stave off some of that dehydration. Plus, fresh diets often have high-quality proteins and healthy fats that contribute to a shinier coat and healthier skin.


Health and Wellness

While all of these factors have to do with your dog’s health and wellness, what is important to point out is that fresh food caters to your dog’s individual health and wellness needs while kibble has a “one size fits all” quality to it. Yes, the individual attention fresh food has comes at a higher price than kibble, but with the fillers and additives kibble relies on, fresh food is the clear winner in its ability to meet and adapt to your dog’s health and wellness journey. 


Yum Factor

We think most dogs would agree, fresh food just tastes better. The combination of flavors in FreshBaked compared to kibble is unbeatable. When dogs like how their food tastes, obviously, they are more likely to eat it and metabolize the vitamins and nutrients they need to live long healthy lives. If your dog is a picky eater or suffers from a diminished appetite, they may not like kibble based on its palatability alone. 


Kibble has been the norm for so long in the pet food industry, but fresh food like FreshBaked is here to give you a healthier–and tastier–alternative. Research shows that dogs who have a fresh diet live an extra three years on average than dogs who were fed kibble alone. At the end of the day, we are pet parents who are doing our best to give our dogs long and healthy lives, and part of our job is to make sure our dogs have access to the best food possible.